
Get It While The Gettin's Good!

Ever since becoming a mama, I have had a special place in my heart, and camera, for the Tinies of our families. These Smallest Of The Small (unless you are the proud owner of a chihuahua, like my parents) often display the most wonder, excitement, and surprise at the wide world around them. It is a great passion of mine to capture as many of these special moments on camera!

You have a cute baby/toddler/kiddo you'd like photographed, but don't have a bucket of extra money lying around (though wouldn't that be nice)?
No need to cry, like the adorable Tiny above! The Pace Of Nature is offering an amazing opportunity for THREE lucky (local!) readers! As a special launch project, I am looking for THREE families/babies/kiddos to photograph for FREE! You read that right! You'll get me, The Girl in This Red Hat, my camera, a ton of laughs and a great time, and a free CD of all edited photos (with copyright release) - all for the taking! In return, you'll be giving me the opportunity to expand my portfolio and sharpen my eye (not literally). A total win-win!
Shoot me an email if interested - these FREE sessions will go fast, my friends!

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